Pastor Kadeem R. Massiah
Kadeem’s passion for the Lord started at an early age. He was heavily involved in mission trips preaching the gospel in Jamaica, Barbados, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and countless US cities. Kadeem had the pleasure of serving faithfully in ministry at Abundant Life Church, where Bishop Lawrence Ward is Pastor. During this time, he served as worship leader, youth leader, children’s church worker, usher, armor bearer, and anything else the house needed. His passion for the local church and sonship kept him so driven to serve the house. He credits his life's success to his dedicated mother and the power of the local church. Upon graduating high school Kadeem attended Boston College, majoring in Human Development and Theology with a Spanish minor. During his four years in undergrad, Kadeem’s love for college ministry grew as he became the Multicultural Christian Fellowship vice president his sophomore year. Transitioning to President in his junior year, the ministry experienced immense numerical and spiritual growth under his leadership.